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Honey Please Process: Backstory, Influences, Storyboard and Animatic.

Jaime (joe the rigg) arrived yesterday evening to the summer camp.

The cabin in the forest looks comfortable for him. After a nice evening in the fire camp with his colleagues, he goes to sleep.

Jaime wasn’t expecting to have a buzzing visit. He wakes up alarmed for the noise of a bee and angrily will try to finish it with a newspaper roll.

The annoying bee just wants some honey but it’s looking for it in the wrong place.

The final concept of the story is enough simple for me to focus on some technical aspects, lighting, animation, and aesthetics of the final rendered animation.

In the initial idea, I had planned as well a small dance trying to catch the bee. In the end, I think the animation has the desired length so I am happy with the results.

The Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry, The Roadrunners and Breaking Bad were my main inspiration for this animation idea.

With these references, the animation has already a humorous character, not serious.

Looking at some of them also noticed that music makes an important part of this feeling.

With these ideas, I moved into the storyboard :

From this storyboard that is a rough sketch of what I was planning, we can distinguish already the 7th scenes the animation is divided in.

  1. Jaime is sleeping and he is uneasy.

  2. He wakes up with the noise of the alarm.

  3. He knows now that the bee is in the room and proceeds to try to smash it with a rolled newspaper.

  4. The bee goes up in the room where he cannot reach.

  5. Jaime despaired throughs the newspaper to try to catch it.

  6. Jaime is exhausted and visibly angry.

  7. Jaime is scared as the bee goes to his nose.

As I mentioned before the scenes are not matching with the original storyboard as I made changes to make technical aspect of the animation easier.

Here I show the animatic made to represent the idea of the animation.

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