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The Wizard's Potion, storyboard and production

For the second animation created there was in me a developing interest on creating something medieval and magic. Also there was an intention on the choice of the character for it to seem innocent. To this purpose Wake the rig was a good choice.

The initial idea was to replicate the scene from Fantasia made by Disney. Mikey and the Mage were the main characters and it was resolved in a very different way to what I planned for this project. The character and environment of choice where selected to match perfectly.

The animation was divided in four scenes. This allowed for a lot more control over the movements of ruff. It also helped to fix the environment to the purpose of the action.

The Wizards Potion is a more ambitious project. One other character and some scenes weren't narrated for a matter of time. However is not to be discard and could be added in the future.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the animation!

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