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Honey Please, Production

The process for the initial scene was this:

Having the scene of Joe’s rigg open, reference the scene of the environment in this one.

Scale and move the environment until fits with Joe. The room was bigger than Joe so just that to be adjusted.

place elements in their place for the determined scene and hide elements that are not going to be seen.

Light adjustments.

Work on the materials so they don’t shine too much.

Once we have this done the animations can be started.

SCENE 1. Jamie is sleeping

The process for the first scene is being a back and forward constantly as it was my first scene to animate.

The body of Jamie was too separate from the bed and he was looking like floating there. This is the scene with the lower light condition.

SCENE 2. Jamie wakes up

This scene had the problem that, movement of Jamie should be wider than expected to get out of the bed. In some playblasts he was looking like sliding with no movement to it.

The camera angle fixed this issue, however, the model showed some vertex problems in the t-shirt that as the time was limited I could not fix on time.

SCENE 3. Jamie hit the air with a newspaper

This scene challenge was the jump and it took much back and forward to get it right.

Also, the tool parent and parent constraint were used to attaching the newspaper to his wrist.

For this scene was decisive the use of the graph editor.

SCENE 4. The bee flies to the top of the room

The process followed for this scene is focused on the movement of the insect. at this purpose, I used the curve tool combined with attach to motion path tool.

I also used the graph editor again to control this movement.

The movement of Jaime’s head is not attached to the motion of the bee, as this option didn’t work as expected. Instead, I moved the head slightly following the bee roughly.

SCENE 5. Jaime throws the newspaper against the bee

For this scene, the main movement is the newspaper that will detach from Jamie’s hand and will knock the wall and fall in the floor.

At this effect, the graph editor was extremely helpful, as well as the sounds added later in after effect.

SCENE 6. Jamie is angry.

This closeup to Jamie’s face is relying on the expression of the character and want to communicate frustration and despair.

Some technical issues regarding the rigg wouldn’t let me show Jamie’s eyebrows which could be interesting to make expressions more real.

The final expressions for this scene might look a bit over the top. I think it got way better opening more the eyes than is supposed in reality.

SCENE 7. Bee flies to Jamie’s nose

The animation of the bee was a bit difficult to match with the end of this scene. Luckily this scene only lasts 40 frames.

Thanks for reading!

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